Continue to develop reading strategies and writing skills though a workshop model
Understand and analyze how characters change through conflict; use evidence and key details from a text to support a claim in literary analysis
Deepen understanding and further develop the ability to communicate effectively through writing in a variety of genres appropriate to author’s purpose and audience
Strengthen inquiry, research, and presentation skills through project work, using collaboration, creativity, communication, and critical thinking
Develop skills that will enable students to think critically and work collaboratively to carry out experiments and demonstrate their knowledge of scientific procedures
Learn through a challenging STEM and project based learning curriculum
Investigate space, engineering and design, interactions between the hydrosphere, atmosphere, and geosphere, and catastrophic events.
Through inquiry students take a deep dive into the nuances of concepts
Enhance linguistic abilities in the target language
Advance interpersonal/presentational/interpretive communication skills; continue to expand upon one’s repertoire of vocabulary
Practice asking and answering a variety of questions related to a variety of topics appropriate to one’s linguistic abilities and grade level
Develop more complex linguistic skills in discussing, reading, and writing about likes, dislikes, calendar, weather, school, people, food, places, activities, and develop a deeper understanding of cultural practices and products as they relate to communicative competence
Promote skill refinement through an increased amount of practice time in more complex game and sport situations
Emphasize application of rules, offensive and defensive strategies, and sportsmanship
Teach understanding of physiological principles as they apply to health and physical activity, health related fitness components, and physical activities and exercises associated with a healthy life expectancy
Integrate technology such as heart rate monitors, pedometers, and iPads to ensure students move effectively at their own pace, to increase motivation to be active, and to engage students in the learning process
Provide opportunities to sing, notate, and compose music
Work in cooperative groups to compose music to sing or to play Orff instruments
Provide exposure to appealing song literature from a variety of cultures; provide instrumental parts to read, music to play on the
recorder, and music for listening