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Summer Work

Highlands students of all ages are encouraged to read as much as possible over the summer, and students in 3rd – 8th grades have required summer reading and math assignments. 

Even though it is the “off-season”, we feel that it is important for students to continue their learning through the summer while still having time for the all-important family, friends, and play. Sometimes, over the summer months, students may “lose” some of the critical learning from the previous school year. With that in mind, our teachers have included some ideas/work in the areas of language arts and mathematics to help your children stay sharp over the summer. You should find all the information by grade level as you view the appropriate links.

This article, How to Make Summer Reading Effective, published by the National Summer Learning Association offers tips for maximizing the benefits of summer reading.

We hope you have a wonderful summer!

2024 Summer Work Downloads

Summer work is required for students entering 3rd - 8th grade. Remember to download the Summer Work for the grade your child will be entering in August of 2024.

Children need to engage with books every day so they can maintain, and ideally strengthen, all the literacy skills they learned during the previous school year. Public libraries in the Birmingham area offer summer reading programs and activities for primary, elementary, middle and high school students. In fact, many libraries have added fun adult summer reading programs as well. We hope you and your family will participate in the summer reading programs available from your favorite public library.