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High School Placement

We prepare students for life after Highlands through a transformative educational partnership that fosters perseverance and persistence. Our graduates leave with a sense of self that allows them to take responsibility for their academic journey and follow their own moral compass. This process is exemplified through our Portrait of a Highlands Graduate — a leader, a citizen, a pioneer and an individual. Highlands graduates are ready to take risks, help their neighbor and pursue their passions.

In whatever community our students find themselves, their time as Highlands students provides them with the skills needed to think critically and creatively, collaborate cooperatively with team members and communicate in an impactful way.

High School Placement Program

There are a variety of opportunities and options that exist after the eighth-grade year. Highlands’ outplacement services support soon-to-be graduates by providing:

  • Parent information sessions
  • Student discovery experiences 
  • High school admission night
  • Boarding school fair
  • Boarding and day school visits
  • Test prep classes
  • Application essay review and editing
  • Mock interviews
Highlands School

Boarding Schools & High Schools

Our Highlands graduates launch to premier boarding schools across the country, as well as esteemed local high schools. Recent graduates have attended the following schools.

Highlands School

Colleges & Universities

Highlands graduates have the opportunity to continue their educational journey at acclaimed higher education institutions. Examples of recent schools include:

Auburn University

Barnard College

Carnegie Mellon

Colgate University

Furman University

Georgetown University

Grinnell College

Hampton Sydney College

Harvard University

Northeastern University

Oglethorpe University

Rollins College

Savannah College of Art and Design

Southern Methodist University

The George Washington University

Trinity University

United States Naval Academy

University of Alabama

University of Alabama-Birmingham

University of Colorado, Boulder

University of Virginia

USMA West Point

Vasser University

Washington and Lee