An independent private school in Birmingham, Alabama
serving infants through 8th grade
Last week, eight Highlands Middle School students traveled to Oxford, Alabama to participate in the state-wide Junior United Nations of Alabama Assembly (JUNA). JUNA is a student-run model of the United Nations Assembly for middle school students in Alabama. Over 300 students from 22 different schools participated in this year’s Assembly.
Our JUNA team chose to represent Colombia this year. Guided by their JUNA sponsors, Ms. Tynley Baker and Ms. Shara Kernan, the students prepared and researched for months ahead of the event. They ultimately chose to draft a resolution to reduce children’s exposure to gangs and offer them a chance at a peaceful future.
The Assembly passed our team’s resolution in the General Assembly, and they received awards for their impressive efforts, including Outstanding Nation and honorable mention for Outstanding Girl Delegate (Juliana Linton).
JUNA is an example of what makes a Highlands student stand out from the pack – global awareness and appreciation, confident public speaking skills, and the courage to be a compassionate advocate for others. Congratulations to our JUNA team!
JUNA is offered as an elective for our Middle School students. Click here to read more about our elective offerings.