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Solar Eclipse Watch Party Next Week

Solar Eclipse Watch Party Next Week

Highlands School will host a watch party for students, faculty, and staff to witness the extraordinary solar eclipse on Monday, April 8th! This is a rare opportunity to experience a natural phenomenon that has captivated humanity for centuries. The eclipse will be visible across the United States, with varying degrees of coverage depending on location. Birmingham, Alabama, is fortunate to be in the zone where the moon will obscure approximately 88% of the sun for a brief period. The next solar eclipse visible in Birmingham will not occur until 2045!

Eclipse safety is an important concern, as it is never safe to look directly at the sun for an extended period of time without special protective glasses (ordinary sunglasses do not provide sufficient protection). Highlands has purchased specially certified glasses (ISO 12312-2 compliant) for everyone on campus to use to view the eclipse. Teachers will instruct students about the safety guidelines, including proper use of glasses and taking breaks from looking at the sun. Beginning at 1:10 PM on the day of the eclipse, all students will remain indoors except for planned, supervised viewing. From 1:45 PM until 2:15 PM (the peak of the eclipse), grade-level buddies will meet on the quad and view the eclipse together. The older students, along with teachers, will help make sure their younger buddies are safely viewing the eclipse. If parents prefer their children not participate in outdoor viewing, students can watch a live stream of the eclipse in their classrooms.

Please let teachers know if you prefer your child to stay inside. We encourage you to discuss the importance of eye safety with your child before the eclipse. Explain the dangers of looking directly at the sun and emphasize the need to follow instructions during the school event. We hope this event sparks curiosity and a love of science in our students!

Check out these resources for more information on the eclipse.


Highlands School

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